A Quantum Leap: Room-Temperature Superconductors' Applicability to Outer Space
Superconductivity in Action (Courtesy of U.S. Department of Energy)
“The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand”
Recently, there has been a buzz in the physics community surrounding the potential discovery of a room temperature superconductor. While there is a lot of skepticism surrounding its validity, if proven true, LK-99 will undoubtedly pave the way for a new technology renaissance. Although the fruits of such a discovery might not be immediately apparent, a room temperature superconductor will unlock many technological avenues that would have been previously thought to be unreachable.
Advancements in Outer Space exploration also stand at the forefront of these possibilities. With room temperature superconductors at our disposal, the imaginative scenes of science fiction could morph into our reality. It would be a new world where interplanetary travel is as common as catching a flight to another city; a future in which the vastness of our solar system would be populated with bustling space stations and settlements.
So with this post, I will summarize what I have learned in the past few days about superconductors and the transformative potential of room-temperature superconductors on Outer Space exploration.
***A quick note before we embark on this journey. I am by no means a physicist. So this post is a ride-along journey on my quest to learn more about this topic. And while I have strived for accuracy, there might be nuances of superconductivity that I might have inadvertently misunderstood. So, thank you in advance for your understanding!***
Understanding Superconductivity
Before we explore how room temperature superconductors can revolutionize activities in Outer Space, I wanted to provide a brief background on superconductors.
Foundations of Superconductivity
Superconductivity is a remarkable property, enabling certain materials to transmit direct-current electricity with zero resistance and no energy waste. In other words, electric charges can flow through the superconducting material unhindered. The first glimpse into this phenomenon came in 1911 when the Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes cooled a mercury wire to 4.2 Kelvin (4.2 degrees above absolute zero/-268.95 degrees Celsius/-452.11 degrees Fahrenheit). These materials then became aptly known as superconductors because of their ability to transition to such a zero-resistance state once a certain temperature—known as critical temperature—is reached.
The Era of Low-Temperature/Conventional Superconductors
After Professor Kamerlingh Onnes’ groundbreaking discovery, the chase was on to find other superconducting materials. But for a long time, the materials identified as superconductors only exhibited such behavior when they reach a temperature that is near absolute zero—when atoms can barely move. Thus, simultaneously, scientists also tried to discover the principle behind superconductivity, hoping that this understanding could facilitate further discovery for this field.
In 1957, the mystery behind superconductivity took a giant leap forward. American physicists John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, and John R. Schrieffer proposed a theory that can explain this phenomenon of superconductivity at temperatures approaching absolute zero. Named BCS (after the last name initial of each of these physicists), this theory would win these namesake physicists the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1972.
Under the BCS theory, these physicists postulated that, at the critical temperature, electrons in a superconducting material would form a collective quantum state by binding into so-called “Cooper pairs.” What makes these Cooper pairs special is that their movements will all be synchronized. Thus, when an electric charge passes through the superconductor, all of the Cooper pairs, like a giant choreographed dance, would move in one collective motion. No resistance is “generated” because no collision can occur with all of the superconducting material’s electrons moving in sync with one another. But once the temperature is hotter than the critical temperature, these electrons would lose their collective quantum state and revert back to independent motion—generating resistance while they collide with one another as an electric charge moves through.
The Advent of High-Temperature Superconductors
Despite solving some of the mystery behind the principle of superconductivity, scientists still had a significant challenge: finding materials with critical temperatures in range of more traditional coolants not named liquid helium. Further research and development of superconductors depended on this because liquid helium as a coolant is rather expensive. And given liquid helium’s scarcity on Earth, just attempting to do superconductor experiments can be cost-prohibitive. Thus, scientists eagerly searched for a superconductor that has a higher critical temperature, enabling them to study the principles of superconductivity with a cheaper coolant—like liquid nitrogen.
In 1986, a breakthrough was made by IBM physicists, Alex Müller and Georg Bednorz. They discovered a ceramic compound—part of a material class called perovskites—that superconducted at around 35 Kelvin. This discovery was not only Nobel Prize-worthy but also defied expectations because ceramics were thought to be insulators that do not conduct electricity well. But with a new class of materials to work with, scientists eagerly went back to their labs to find superconducting materials with even higher critical temperatures. Eventually, these efforts lead to Dr. Paul Ching-Wu Chu’s discovery of a functioning superconductor at 98 Kelvin.
This breakthrough won Dr. Chu the U.S. National Medal of Science with his superconductor becoming the first one that can be cooled with liquid nitrogen—which boiled at 77 Kelvin. Dr. Chu’s discovery also enabled more “real-world” applications of superconductivity and led to the creation of a class of superconductors called “High Temperature Superconductors” with their superconductivity being “exposed” by liquid nitrogen as a coolant, which is much cheaper and has better cooling function than liquid helium.
The Pursuit for Room-Temperature Superconductors
But while the term “high temperature” appears to suggest that superconductors can work in rather warm environments, this is a relative descriptor. Until now, the “warmest” critical temperature for a functioning superconductor—a high-pressure form of hydrogen sulfide—is about 200 Kelvin (or -70 degrees Celsius/-100 degrees Fahrenheit). This is still far below the freezing point of water. Thus, finding a superconductor that can function at room temperature—and under ambient pressure—remains a holy grail for physicists. This breakthrough will not only guarantee its finders a Nobel Prize in Physics but will also completely change the world as we know it.
Consequently, many scientists are on this quest of discovering the world’s first superconductor that can operate seamlessly at room temperature and under ambient pressure. But this journey has been filled with many false hopes. For instance, a 2020 paper published in the prestigious journal Nature that reported on the discovery of a room-temperature superconductor was retracted just two years later. Thus, the world is still eagerly anticipating words of this game-changing discovery.
Enter LK-99. Whispers of its potential as a room-temperature superconductor sent shockwaves around the world. According to its researchers, LK-99 is a form of a chemical called lead apatite. Composed of lead and phosphate, LK-99 is forged in an over-a-day long reaction in a high-temperature vacuum. Although LK-99 appears to have some bizarre results, it can be cheaply made. Hence, researchers around the world are trying to replicate the experiment and see if they can reproduce LK-99 themselves. Amid a controversy about how LK-99 became publicized, evidence for and against LK-99 is starting to pile up. However, the latest news suggests that LK-99 will not hold up as a bona-fide discovery.
Nevertheless, a confirmed room-temperature superconductor that works under ambient pressure will undeniably reshape our world. These implications will likely stretch far into the realm of Outer Space as well. So in the next section, I will dive into how such a breakthrough could transform Outer Space technologies.
Potential Application of Room Temperature Superconductors
The availability of room-temperature superconductors will not only transform everyday technologies here on Earth but will also reshape the future of Outer Space exploration. Below is a look at how room-temperature superconductor can potentially transform various Outer Space-related technologies.
Magnetic Propulsion
If we are to become an interstellar species, we must be able to tame the tyranny of the rocket equation. This means that we must find innovative propulsion methods beyond traditional chemical engines. As scientists explore non-reactive rocket engines as a means of propulsion in Outer Space, ion propulsion, which harnesses electromagnetic forces to generate thrust, is emerging as a potential contender.
Electromagnetic principles are also applicable to superconductors. Because superconductors can conduct electricity without any energy loss, they can produce strong magnetic fields when shaped into a solenoid. This phenomenon is explained by Faraday's law of induction and the resulting magnetic field can pave the way for electric propulsion mechanisms. In fact, once solely in the realm of science fiction, magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thrusters—which capitalize on superconducting magnet technology—are now tangible realities.
Yet, the efficiency of MPD thrusters remains an obstacle before they can be widely adopted and used. But scientists are currently conducting research to optimize these thrusters. Here, the arrival of room temperature superconductors could be a game-changer. By eliminating the need for complex cooling systems and thereby achieving significant mass savings, these superconductors could empower electric thrusters to generate enough thrust to be practically used as a form of rocket engine that can successfully escape Earth’s gravitational hold.
Energy Efficiency
As electricity flows through a regular conductor, energy loss will occur as electrons collide. This is particularly worrisome for spacecrafts on which multiple electronic components not only produce heat but also experience energy loss as they operate in the harsh environment of Outer Space. Given the difficulties in servicing spacecrafts once they are launched into Outer Space, these energy losses can significantly curtail these spacecrafts’ operational life.
But the availability of room temperature superconductors could be a game-changer in extending the longevity of these spacecrafts. One of the main advantages of a superconductor is its zero electrical resistance, enabling a seamless flow of electricity without any energy loss. If room-temperature superconductors, which negate the need for complex cooling mechanisms, become commonplace and practical for use in electronic components of spacecrafts, they could revolutionize spacecraft design. By optimizing energy use, these room temperature superconductors can dramatically increase the energy-efficiency of spacecrafts, paving the way for longer and more ambitious missions to deep space.
Radiation Shielding
On Earth, humans are protected from many forms of dangerous radiation that exists in Outer Space. Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field serve as effective natural barriers that shield us from the harmful effects of galactic cosmic radiation as well as solar wind. However, such a protective cocoon is absent in Outer Space, leaving personnel in a spacecraft vulnerable to these dangerous radiations during extended missions.
But as discussed earlier, superconductors have the ability to generate strong magnetic fields. Thus, scientists are currently exploring the potential of high temperature superconductors as a method for generating active radiation shielding in Outer Space. The availability of room-temperature superconductors can facilitate further development in this endeavor. By eliminating the need for complex cooling equipment, these superconductors could simplify the architecture and reduce the mass of these potential shielding systems. Of course, additional studies will also need to be conducted to ensure the magnetic fields generated by these superconductors do not create an additional health risk. Nevertheless, room temperature superconductors could become the foundation for a reliable radiation-shielding mechanism that makes prolonged voyages in Outer Space more viable and safer.
Advanced Computations
Lastly, Outer Space operations are all, at their core, massive data analytic enterprises. Whether it is plotting intricate flight trajectories or analyzing the vast amounts of data generated by telescopes and other detectors, high computing capabilities are essential to many aspects of Outer Space-related activities. Room-temperature superconductors can further advance our computational capacities. These superconductors could be the catalyst in the development and viability of quantum computers that are not only more energy-efficient but also are several orders of magnitudes faster than existing supercomputers.
The increase in computer processing speed could hasten discoveries that are shrouded by layers of complex calculations. Vast astronomical data sets can be processed in mere moments instead of months, enabling real-time analysis. Such advancements could be pivotal in our quest to understand the deeper mysteries of the galaxy. Beyond “simple” data processing, the mass availability of quantum computers using room-temperature superconductor components could enable a broader portion of the population to pursue academic research as a “hobby.” This “crowd-sourcing” effort could lead to rapid advancements in Outer Space innovations. From more innovative space propulsion techniques to new life-support system designs, these computational leaps could unlock the technologies needed for humanity’s journey into the farthest reaches of Outer Space. Hence, the discovery of room temperature superconductors could be a harbinger for the arrival of a new golden era of Outer Space exploration and discovery.
A Super-conduit into the Future
While LK-99 might have turned out to be a mirage in the vast desert of scientific research, the potential and promise of the world’s first proven room-temperature superconductor can’t be overstated. Thus, the global scientific community will always be optimistically on guard, waiting for the day that such a superconductor finally becomes a reality.
However, once this discovery is made, many obstacles will still remain. The logistics of its mass production, the complexities of its integration, and the intricate techniques needed for its stabilization are just some of the challenges related to room temperature superconductors that will likely keep countless researchers occupied for the entirety of their careers.
But the reward that we will reap once we resolve these issues will be tremendous. Room temperature superconductors may very well be the cornerstone of our cosmic aspirations, the foundation that we needed to expand our footprint in the galaxy. These superconductors have the ability of making fictional thoughts in our minds—such as permanent settlements on other worlds, voyages to uncharted regions of the universe, faster means of intergalactic transportation—into tangible realities.
Thus, while LK-99 might not have been the solution we were yearning for, our eternal optimism for the arrival of a room-temperature superconductor is one well-worth keeping.
The non-peer reviewed manuscript detailing LK-99: https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12037
Ars Technica’s report on LK-99: https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/08/whats-going-on-with-the-reports-of-a-room-temperature-superconductor/
Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster based on superconductors: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1686/1/012023/pdf
Factsheet on the Effect of High-Temperature Superconductivity on the Electric Grid: https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/oeprod/DocumentsandMedia/Supercon_Overview_Fact_Sheet_7_14_09.pdf
Research on Active Radiation Shielding Utilizing High Temperature Superconductors: https://www.nasa.gov/pdf/637131main_radiation%20shielding_symposium_r1.pdf
How Room-Temperature Superconductors can change Quantum Computing: https://thequantuminsider.com/2023/08/03/how-would-room-temperature-superconductors-change-quantum-computing/